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YIYAA – Youth Inspiring Youth 4 Collective Advocacy and Action in the Ntungamo district in Uganda

Youth Inspiring Youth (also known as YIYAA) is a project born out of our SLOGBAA strategy, in which we aim to empower youth and youth led CSOs in Ntungamo, Western Uganda, to boost local democracy and civic participation. It seeks to achieve this by equipping youth with advocacy skills and strengthening the capacity of youth CSOs to mobilize youth for democratic engagement. Ultimately, the goal is to create an informed and engaged youth population that actively drives positive change in their communities.

Project Background

The Strengthening of Local Governance, Budget Advocacy and Accountability (SLOGBAA) is a training methodology initiated by our partner, Network for Active Citizens, to empower National Youth Councils, Local Government Council leaders, advocacy-based CBOs and other grassroots actors. Through it, we have been successful in enhancing transparency and accountability in local government, fostering inclusive decision-making. SLOGBAA focuses on grassroots mobilisation, youth leader development and advocacy in Uganda, promoting a thorough understanding of local government operations, budget allocation processes, and youth agenda influence.

The YIYAA Project utilizes the SLOGBAA training model to empower youth-led CSOs in the Kayonza sub county and the Rwentobo-Rwahi town council in Ntungamo district, promoting a strengthening of the civil society and their effective and informed role as agents of positive change in their local communities.

Our Main Objectives

Our project has two specific objectives as follows:

Objective 1) Empowering and training youth for collective advocacy and action: Thirty youth council members and eighteen members of the parish Development model Committee in the Kayonza sub county and Rwentobo-Rwahi town council Ntungamo district will be mobilised, engaged and facilitated to give policy inputs, and their democratic right of participation is strengthened in a peer-to-peer learning and interaction model and the SLOGBAA model.

Objective 2) Strengthening youth CSOs as platforms that mobilise, facilitate and further strengthen youth democratic participation: At least 10 youth-led grassroots CSOs in the Kayonza sub county and Rwentobo-Rwahi town council Ntungamo district will have strengthened capacities to effectively operate, collaborate, and self-organise fellow CSOs towards collective advocacy actions to influence local government programs to make it an impactful program that addresses the needs of youths at the grassroots level. 

Our Strategy

  • Peer to peer engagement:  Youth generating evidence on the performance of Parish Development Model (PDM) for policy input from fellow youth, as well as youth council leaders will being equipped with PDM monitoring tools to carry out peer to peer monitoring exercises
  • Tailored capacity-development for activating youth in civil society and political leadership: The content of the SLOGBAA model will be tailored to the needs and context of the Ntungamo district, in addition to carrying out capacity development for the youth led CSOs that is tailored to the capacity gaps that are already known based on our previous interaction with some of the local CSOs
  • Strengthen existing resources instead of creating new ones: Together with the Rising Hope Community Initiative, their community house will serve as a hub for events under this project such as the community youth parliament, Civil Society Strengthening Academy and will be open to walk-in of community members to access information and other civic related resources
  •  Connecting youth and government:  It is part of our strategy to create room for dialogue between the youths in civil society, youth in political leadership positions and youths benefiting from the PDM model.These will have the opportunity to interact with the PDM committee members as well as among themselves to share their personal experience related to the PDM program.