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Decrypting the SDGs for Young Europeans

This Erasmus+, Key Action 2 project sets out to contribute to a strengthened understanding and methodology for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals or Agenda 2030. Along with our partners Creatorium, we aim to develop a model for mobilizing marginalized youths and communities towards working with the SDGs, in a context where they are often seen as a complex framework operating at the policy level. 

Our project sets out to contribute to a strengthened understanding and methodologies for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals or Agenda 2030, in contexts where these have not yet taken root. We know from studies (DANIDA, 2019; UN 2020; Dst, 2019) that while the knowledge and action around the SDGs over the past 6 years have been on the rise, many marginalized communities within the EU borders are yet to be fully involved. These communities include among others low-resourced neighborhoods commonly characterized of migrant communities, unsettled populations like traditionally nomadic communities, ghetto communities, as well as sparsely populated and detached rural communities.

We will concentrate on youth from low-resourced communities, here including ghettos and migrant dominated communities in both Norway and Denmark, with the aim of answering the following objectives.

  • Contribute to developing of knowledge about sustainability and a green future for all.
  • Contribute to including of commonly sidelined young Europeans in the lives of their societies.
  • Contribute to developing of tools for community mobilization towards their own development.
  • Contribute to bridging of narratives towards common agendas and interpretations.
  • Contribute to developing of social and entrepreneurial skills of young people 


Targeting twenty 18-30-year-old young people from marginalized communities in Denmark and Norway, and working with them around:

  • Analyzing and creating narratives of sustainability from their point of view, 
  • Exploring and creating sets of approaches to bridging the gap between their understanding of sustainability and the SDGs and the mainstream, 
  • Enabling them to create action projects based on SDGs in their local communities for hands on skills, and,
  • Running a mentoring and dialogue process with them, 

We want to pilot and develop a method on how we can engage marginalized young people and their communities in understanding the value of the SDGs and mobilizing them to support the delivery of the agenda

The project contains three parts:

  1. Conducting a survey into local narratives of sustainability and the SDGs in marginalized communities and how these relate or compare with the mainstream SDGs agenda 2030. This will be documented into a report publicly available for everyone to refer to.
  2. Recruit 20 youth (10 in Denmark, 10 in Norway) as SDGs ambassadors in their communities, and develop/run a training, mentoring and tools development process with them on how they can work with the SDGs and relatedly localize them in their context. Each country will also develop at least 3 action projects, so the young people have hands on experience with running SDGs projects. 
  3. Collecting feedback from the participants, mentors and local communities and together with inputs from the report in point 1 above document these into a strategy for engaging marginalized young people and their communities in localizing the SDGs and issues around sustainability.